the art of letting go

releasing attachments, embracing change and setting new intentions.

happy march baddies! we’re finally entering a new season later this month, and if you’re anything like us, (aka one of those sensitive, intuitive souls)- you can probably feel it too. there’s an energy shift happening below the surface, inviting new possibilities, opportunities, lessons and manifestations.

this week, we’re diving into the art of letting go: releasing attachments, embracing change and setting new intentions for the season ahead. we’re in the last stretch of winter (at least on the east coast), and with spring on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to reflect on what you’re releasing, accepting and embracing change with open arms, and what intentions you’re setting ahead.

this episode is for you if you’re:

  1. feeling stuck in certain areas of your life and seeking guidance on how to break free from limiting patterns or beliefs.

  2. curious about exploring mindfulness practices and rituals for releasing attachments and setting intentions.

  3. ready to embrace change and transition into a new phase of growth and renewal.

let this episode be a reminder that it’s still very much so your year ✨

if you love this episode, here’s more on that for you:


happy five years, saddie baddies®


the signs as love languages